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Uncover Reasons for Cart Abandonment









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Examples of Questions to Collect Website Feedback: Why did you come to this site today? What were you hoping to find on this page? What were you looking for? Describe yourself in one sentence (e.g., I am a college student based in New York who loves playing Guitar.) What is your main goal for using our [website/product]? What, if anything, is preventing you from taking action. check out our guide : How to Build Customer Personas. 3.)  Ask yourself, ”why does a customer who made the effort to add the products into the cart not place the order?” Shopping Cart abandonment is the potential loss of a sale.

You need to collect customer feedback to understand Sao Tome and Principe Email List this behavior and uncover the issues (if any) that are causing them to leave without making the purchase. Examples: Is there anything preventing you from signing up at this point? What’s preventing you from signing up? What would change your mind about signing up for an account? Is there anything on this site that doesn’t work the way you expected it to? Was there anything about this checkout process that we should improve? What’s the one thing that nearly stopped you from buying from us? If you did not make a purchase today, can you tell us why not? Is there anything preventing you from completing your purchase? 4.) Investigate Exit Intent, Page Bounce Rate, and Cancellation As with cart abandonment, page bounce and cancellation are also concerning behaviors that can adversely affect your growth and revenue.

Why did the customer cancel the services? Did he have pricing issues? Was he frustrated with the service quality? Why does the customer leave the website without making a purchase or filling the free subscription form? Did they not find what they were looking for? Was the form lengthy? Were the questions too provoking or personal? Collecting website feedback from leaving visitors will provide you with answers to all these questions and more. It will help you unearth issues with UI, pricing, website features, page content, and webpage other elements. You can use the customer feedback to fix them in time to reduce bounce rate and form abandonment. Examples of Questions to Ask in Exit-Intent Feedback Form: Did this page meet your expectations? Does this page contain the information you were looking for? On this page, it seems like I should be able to… What is the primary reason why you’re canceling your account? What prevented you from doing what you came to the site to do? What could we change to make you want to continue with us? Do you plan to start a trial? Do you have any questions before starting a free trial? 5.


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